Chip Seal Information for 2023

Asphalt deteriorates over time because of the sun and weather. Chip Seal helps seal the surface and helps protect the road. Some preparation work will take place throughout the spring, and the Chip Seal process traditionally begins after the Memorial Day weekend.

As part of the ACHD maintenance program crews chip seal street surfaces (including new streets) to protect them from water and weather damage, so they stay in good condition. Crews start preparing the roadway for chip sealing in early spring, as the weather allows.

Where will we be this Year?

This year ACHD will be chip sealing Zone 4 which incorporates portions of Myrtle Street, south of the Boise river, portions of Curtis Road, Franklin Road, and Cole Road south of the interstate, east of Pleasant Valley Road and north of Kuna Mora Road. This year's Chip Seal season is scheduled from May 30th through September 2023, weather permitting.  2023 informational Chip Seal Mailer.

The chip sealing process consists of five phases:

  • sweeping prior to the chip seal
  • applying the chip seal
  • sweeping excess chips
  • applying the fog seal
  • sweeping after the fog seal

On-street parking will be affected during each phase. Temporary No Parking signs will be placed in most areas. When you see these signs, it is an indication that crews will be in the area within approximately the next 24 to 48 hours. This is a mobile operation and it is weather and equipment dependent.

We appreciate your patience during this time as we maintain your roadways and strive to maintain our roadway rating as, "the best in the Northwest".

For additional information:

ACHD Main Line: 208-387-6100
Adams Division 208-387-6325
Cloverdale Division 208-387-6350
Or contact us at: Tell Us